APG Artist Talk: Creative Curation and Collaboration

Have work that needs an audience? Want to get your work on the walls? This talk will cover all the aspects of producing an exhibition on your own or with a group of artists, answering these questions with facts and examples - How do you craft a curatorial vision for the exhibition? How do you identify and approach possible venues? What are the  installation considerations? How do you promote the exhibition? How do you effectively collaborate with other artists, creating a collective network that lasts beyond the exhibition? Anne Berry will outline the process of  curating Touching Magic: Scenes from an Enchanted Wilderness, which premiered at Slow Exposures and is now a traveling exhibition, and Kirsten Hoving will talk about her curation of Photo Object, currently showing at Redux Contemporary Art Center in Charleston.

Event Registration: https://atlantaphotographygroup.org/shop/artist-talk-creative-curation-and-collaboration/

Free for APG Members | $15 for non-members

Saturday, March 9th, 2024 | 3:30 - 4:30pm